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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Digging out

Yep, we got caught in the most dangerous winter storm EVER!! 14 inches of snow officially, but the drifts are much higher. Unbelievable. Spent much of the day trying to find someone to clear our neighborhood streets--to no avail. Bill, Larry, and Susan even went down to the gate to our addition to shovel snow out from under it. Did I mention the cold? It was in the single digits, but tolerable with plenty of layers. Remind self to buy new gloves and something to cover my face to protect it from the cold. Did I mention that we lost upstairs heat? Something froze we think, but dear Bill spent the morning in the attic thawing out whatever was frozen. How do the people in the NE and Canada handle this? We would not have put the furnace in the attic if we knew it would freeze--duh! Design flaw?? Not safe to put a heater in the attic for the heater in the attic.Temps down into the minus category tonight. Global warming?? Mother, I know you would love this storm. Will school ever be in session again? Will we get out of the house again? Will Daisy ever go outside again without our having to carry her out? And the temperatures were what on Saturday??? 78 degrees. This is Oklahoma. I will sew tomorrow, providing I have heat upstairs, I promise.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

No quilting today

We decided to clean out my husband's office today. Well, at least HE decided to do that, and since I work for him, well, you guessed it, I had no choice but to go with him. Did some organizing and shredding, then decided to take a walk to the park across the street from his office. What a gorgeous day! Over 70, and people were everywhere in the park. Loved seeing fisher people by the pond that was recently stocked w/rainbow trout--no one catching anything but what a peaceful setting. Walked about a 1/2 mile then returned to the office to do some more sorting and filing. Enough already! Home to feed the pups and enjoy play time with them! Now relaxing before bedtime. Looking for more of the same tomorrow: filing, sorting, shredding. WOOHOO!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Block swap from Tulsa OK

I finished my block to be sent to Australia, Jane D. Hope she likes it. I think the 1/4 inch needs to be a little smaller.
Also sewed w/Kim and finished all my blocks for the New Years Eve quilt!  Yeah!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snowy Winter Day

Snow is blowing, not sticking. Just finished cleaning up the kitchen so I can have time to sew. Am working on Step #5 in the NYE quilt group on Yahoo. So motivating to be a part of a group that gives such good advice and posts many pictures. My friend Kim is coming this next weekend to sew with me, and except for an outing w/a friend on Saturday, we will get some mean sewing done! She has no fabric stash yet, and even tho I have offered my stash to her, she wants to start her own. Do not blame her one bit.

My block swap friend in Aus has already mailed my block to me. Got to get started on that today! Oh, and there is the mess in the sewing room. Oh well. This is going to be a good year. Must take pictures of my sewing I did yesterday and post on NYE mystery site. Having to post an update is way good for me.

Off to sewing room NOW!